
Container Love


Container Love’s Specials stand for curated editorials and interviews, celebrating special topics, in-house productions as well as collaborations with contemporary artists: a wide variety of projects tapping into the queer experience, approaching it in new, bold ways.

Photo Blazey by Nikk Martin

Team’s Choice


Beyond Lust

Welcome to Beyond Lust, our special celebration of queer life, love, and liberation, featuring the amazing artists and talents behind Container Love’s latest film: the music video for The Irrepressibles’ “Ecstasy Homosexuality,” created together with Blink. Let’s turn this summer into a time of queer liberation, embracing our identities and desires with pride as we discover deep connections and authentic intimacy beyond lust.

Made by Container Love

Ben Galster: Sexuality Is All About Liberation

Beyond Lust | Interviews|

Accepting sexuality as a universal language that connects us all can lead to a more natural way of living – director Ben Galster made Container Love’s latest film project, the music video for the Irrepressibles’ song, “Ecstasy Homosexuality”, into a beautiful, political statement. We asked him about the historical context of his latest film, directing intimate scenes, and why standing up for each other in the fight for queer rights and liberties is now more important than ever.

Ecstasy Homosexuality: The Uncensored Music Video

Beyond Lust | Film|

After the commercial version of our music video for The Irrepressibles’ song, “Ecstasy Homosexuality” was removed from a leading video-sharing platform, we felt the need to publish the uncensored, festival-ready version of our film in a defiant move to stand up against the double standards of the mainstream media and the exclusion of queer content. Directed by Ben Galster and starring some of our Love Talents, the original edit of the music video is now up online for everyone to enjoy.

Ecstasy Homosexuality: The Artists Behind Our Music Video

Editorial | Beyond Lust|

Ecstasy is in the details – and with the new, extended, and uncensored version of our latest film, the music video for the Irrepressibles’ song “Ecstasy Homosexuality” now online it’s time for us to introduce the beautiful artists whose works appear in this audiovisual statement of love and rebellion. From already-established household names to wickedly talented newcomers, these photographers and visual artists represent the present and future of gay and queer art. They tap into the liberating power of queer love and community, but this is only one of the reasons why we are in love with their images.

Queers On Ecstasy: Voices To Remember

Beyond Lust | Interviews|

This is the first installment of “Queers on Ecstasy,” part of our Beyond Lust Special, where we explore and showcase incredible talents within the queer community. Through this series, we share their individual interpretations of ecstasy, inviting you to experience the many facets of queer joy, creativity, and expression.

The Irrepressibles: Ecstasy Homosexuality

Beyond Lust | Film|

The elemental power of sexuality lies within liberation – the brand new music video from the iconic British artist The Irrepressibles is the fruit of Container Love’s latest collaboration, and our pride and joy. Produced together with Blink, the film for the track, Ecstasy Homosexuality is everything that we stand for: a bold statement of queer pride, and a fearless confession of a love that is unapologetic and unstoppable, one that goes beyond lust.

Cruising Essentials: A Bit Of Fun In The Darkest Hour

Editorial | Beyond Lust | Love Brands|

The music video for “Ecstasy Homosexuality” was built around one idea: sneaking out into the wild for a lustful adventure, or as we call it, cruising. And what is the one thing that’s a must for cruising? A perfect outfit, yes. To complete our Beyond Lust special, we teamed up with photographer Tim Sonntag and stylist Timo Luebker for an outrageously gorgeous editorial inspired by some of the most irresistible fashion choices we’ve seen at Berlin Pride so far.


Spring Is My Love

Spring Is My Love by Container Love celebrates the best season of the year, a time when nature awakens and hormones buzz. This new season of love, pride, and a lot of fashion is showcased through a blend of exclusive editorials and the finest work from our spring-loving photographers.

Photo Balint Barna

Tim Sonntag: A Hidden Side Of Masculinity

Editorial | Spring Is My Love|

Symbolism, dramatic lights, and shadows are all part of Berlin photographer Tim Sonntag’s art. As part of our Spring Is My Love series, Tim’s artworks are sitting comfortably in the place in between still lifes and documentary photography. His pictures, including the ones from the series Maennerbilder, remain one-of-a-kind as they explore the emotions behind the concept of modern-day masculinity.

Gerard Molón: Put Your Heart Into It

Editorial | Spring Is My Love|

The gorgeous imagery of Barcelona photographer and art director Gerard Molón is defined by his roots in fashion, and his supercharged creativity. For his editorial, part of our Spring Is My Love series, Gerard put together a special selection of pictures in the spirit of celebrating identities and the art of expressing them.

Tsele Nthane: Life In The Moment Before

Editorial | Spring Is My Love|

Tsele’s Nthane life is a life in full color. In his work, the Cape Town photographer captures some of the most vibrant, authentic characters of his hometown and beyond, with pictures adding up to a great-than-life celebration of identities. Tsele’s pictures give us a glimpse into the beating heart of South Africa: a fierce, and fearless, and beautiful generation refusing to give in to old dogmas.

Eden Jetschmann: Snapshots of Realization

Editorial | Spring Is My Love|

Browsing through Berlin photographer Eden Jetschmann’s pictures can feel like flipping through a long-lost photo album, discovering a roadmap into someone else’s life and memories. Eden’s photography taps into a collective subconscious, serving as an open invitation to untangle and reframe a lot of misguided sets of understandings about one’s identity.

Arianna Genghini: Anatomy Of A Beautiful Feeling

Editorial | Spring Is My Love|

Milan photographer and director Arianna Genghini’s body of work is an exploration of the female world. Through fashion and portraits, she shares stories of love, motherhood, empowerment, and does so with a forever love and inexhaustible enthusiasm for all shapes of the ever-changing female body.

Lana Prins: The Closer To You, The Closer To Me

Spring Is My Love | Editorial|

Lana Prins’ photography is close to the skin. With her selection of pictures for her Container Love editorial, she’s showing an intimate glimpse into her life and the lives of those around her. By capturing emotionally charged photos of the women around her, she explores what it means to be a woman for herself and for those close to her.


Container Talks

Container Talks is our series that shines a spotlight on the new role models to look up to. A combination of talents, creatives, and artists, represent the wide spectrum of queer culture in bold and refreshing ways, serving as a starting point to create stronger communities and allies through Container Love. 

Photo Christian Ruess

BlackPearl: Breathing Fire

Container Talks | Photography|

BlackPearl embodies strenght, power, and loads of fierce attitude. As a multidisciplinary artist, her ways of expression expands together with every step she takes. Represented by Cameron Nedrick, check her editorial with Container Love.

Youngchan: In The Motion

Container Talks | Photography|

Scouted by Cameron Nedrick, Youngchan embodies pure movement as a passion. With a clear and strong message against hatred and stereotypes, the talent embraces change and the journey of discovering new ways to express.

Denys: Look At Me, Yes You

Container Talks | Photography|

Denys is a natural wanderer who embraces life in its complexity. However, in his eyes, there is no need to discuss it only with words, as expression and creativity allow him to speak too. Represented by Cameron Nedrick, this face reveals that he once fantasized about being a mermaid instead.

Dan Grips: Exuding Style

Container Talks | Photography|

Dan Grips exudes an intriguing and magnetic attitude and look. Tattoos are their tool for expression, among other creative passions he treasures. Represented by Eli X Casting, the talent does not hold back in expressing his committed love for others.


Visible Love

Container Love’s international exhibition series celebrating queer culture and showcasing diversity-driven photography from renowned photographers, creatives, and role models from Berlin and around the globe, making love visible to everyone.

Photo Slava Mogutin

David Urbanke: The Voice Of A New Era

Editorial | Visible Love|

Stunning, powerful and unapologetic: black Filipina trans woman Jari Jones has become a generational icon and inspiration for all the right reasons. Shot by David Urbanke, Jari and her partner Deniz are familiar faces in a new era of inclusivity. Her role as an actress, model, producer and creative provides authenticity, compassion and hope, paving the way for future generations.

Celine Yasemin & Milena Zara: Category Is… Realness

Editorial | Visible Love|

Every transition is also a journey, from self-hate to self-love – photographers Celine Yasemin and Milena Zara wanted to show the realness of transition while shooting iconic model and influencer Steph Barreto. The fruit of an amazing collaboration, their editorial is full of heart, as featured in Container Love’s first-ever print magazine, the Visibility Issue.

Anil Ayhan: Tales From The City

Editorial | Visible Love|

In a world that is relentlessly trying to mold us into predefined shapes, there is immense power and liberation in staying true to yourself – for his series features in our printed magazine, The Visibility Issue, Berlin photographer Anil Ayhan collaborated with musician, dancer, and queer tastemaker Lie Ning. Their duo’s beautiful work is proof that sometimes the best way to break through the noise is to just sing louder.

Ansgar Sollmann: The Present Is Genderless

Editorial | Visible Love|

Musician and queer tastemaker Tarik Tesfu was shot by London-based photographer Ansgar Sollman for Container Love’s first printed magazine. A vital part of our Visible Love exhibition, their collaboration explores the liberating beauty of genderless fashion and how the media should take responsibility in not only displaying queer people but letting them behind the camera too.

Bastian Thiery: Hungry Eyes

Editorial | Visible Love|

It’s not about beauty that’s transformative but about the transformation that’s beautiful – iconic makeup-up artist and drag superstar Hungry was shot by Berlin-based photographer Bastian Thiery for Container Love’s Visibility Issue. A celebration of creativity and queerness, Bastian’s series is one that’s here to stay for a long time.

Slava Mogutin: It’s Hot Out There

Editorial | Visible Love|

As the city sweats and the hot summer sun is melting the streets, the world becomes a playground, and every given moment, an opportunity for celebrating the vibrant tapestry of life. From posing naked on the roof to getting a cool splash on the balcony, New York-based artist Slava Mogutin's series of fun and sexy portraits is an untamed celebration of life and unapologetic queerness.


The Hidden Dimension

Container Love celebrates the release of our latest short film with a special series of interviews with artists from Eastern Europe sharing perspectives about LGBTQIA+ communities and their current situation. The Hidden Dimension continues Container Love’s commitment to promoting queer visibility and breaking down barriers through dialogue and art.

Photo Ben Galster

Ben Galster: The Call Of The Hidden Dimension

The Hidden Dimension | Interviews|

F​​ilms should make you think about the lives and feelings of others, helping you to learn something new about yourself too – in Container Love’s latest short film, The Hidden Dimension, awarded with Silver Screen at Cannes Young Director Award, director Ben Galster dove deep to capture the beautiful and complex mind of queer visual artist Leo Maki and the challenges behind his craft. We sat down with Ben to talk about his principles in filmmaking, queer visibility, and the unique visual storytelling of The Hidden Dimension.

The Hidden Dimension: Official Trailer

The Hidden Dimension | Film|

Awarded with Silver Screen at Cannes Young Director Award, The Hidden Dimension is a portrait of queer photographer and visual artist Leo Maki. An intimate journey into the mind of the artist based in Warsaw, Poland. The film explores the creative process behind his work where sexuality, desire, and reality blends into art.

Ira Lupu: Documenting Homeland Under Attack

The Hidden Dimension | Interviews|

Ukrainian photographer Ira Lupu opens up about the implications of the war in her life and career, including her last documentary photo series Time of the Phoenix portraying her nation under attack. She shares with Container Love the decision behind going back to Ukraine under attack, and the ways that society has come together to protect their country, including having queer military units.

Jan Baszak: Sculpting Spaces

The Hidden Dimension | Interviews|

After a great reception of his last work “The Discomfort of Evening" Jan Baszak sits down with Container Love to talk about his approach to arts as a sculptor and a designer. The inspiration behind his creations and the ways of crafting space. The queer artist also shares his vision upon the current state of LGBTQIA+ rights in Poland and the political scenario.

Krystian Lipiec: Coming Home To You

The Hidden Dimension | Interviews|

Warsaw artist Krystian Lipiec’s story is one of personal growth, one that has been documented through his gorgeous imagery that he likes to refer to simply as beauty photography. In conversation with Container Love, he told us about the forests surrounding his mother’s house, his coming out, and how overcoming hesitation has changed his life forever.


A Decade Of Love

As we are closing in on Container Love’s ten years anniversary, love is already pouring in from our old and new friends around the world. It’s been a decade of love and we are starting to celebrate it.

Photo Javier Cerrada

Toby Coulson: The Joy Of Exploration

A Decade Of Love | Photography|

Inspiration is everywhere and up for grabs for the ones who wander the world with an open heart – London photographer Toby Coulson takes pictures during his extensive travels, from his homeland, the United Kingdom, to faraway lands sometimes on the other side of the globe. Working with an incredibly diverse array of people, Toby’s photography brings a very distinctive kind of serenity and surrealism to the table: his art is his traveling journal, built entirely on the “what if” scenarios of his adventures.

Maxwell Poth: Empowering Queer Youth

A Decade Of Love | Interviews | Books|

Maxwell Poth, in conversation with Container Love, presents his latest book, "Young Queer America: The Real Stories and Faces of LGBTQ+ Youth." Through his nonprofit organization, Project Contrast, the photographer and advocate shares details about his life and this project, aiming to continue raising awareness about mental health and create a safe space that fosters a sense of community for young queer individuals in the US.

Javier Cerrada: I’m Not From Here, I’m Not From There

A Decade Of Love | Editorial | Visible Love|

For Berlin-based photographer Javier Cerrada, photography has always been a natural form of self-expression. His pictures are part of an ever-unfolding story of identities, real and chosen families, and love so powerful, it’s unstoppable. Joining us in celebrating a decade of love and beautiful diversity, Javier put together a special selection of his works, covering years and years of his career, connecting past with the present and lamenting about a future worth looking forward to.

Hao Nguyen: Blink And You Will Miss It

Editorial | A Decade Of Love|

To love means to dare open up to others – Toronto-based photographer Hao Nguyen's pictures tell a million stories. Creating portrays that go beyond the subject while also keeping a forever playful, forever curious attitude, Hao is doing an amazing job making identities of all kinds visible. To understand his art better, we asked Hao to put together a special selection of his photographs and share his thoughts on representation, love, and the importance of self-reflection.

Alek Szmytko: Boxes Are Meant To Be Broken

Editorial | A Decade Of Love|

Watching life as it unfolds in front of our eyes, in some otherworld colors – London photographer and art director Alek Szmytko’s imagery is loud and bold and full of life in all the good ways. To get a running start on his photography, we asked Alek to share some of his favorite shots with us, while also telling us about his principles as a photographer, documentarian, and human being exploring identities.

Morganne Boulden: The Weight We Carry

Editorial | A Decade Of Love|

Brooklyn photographer Morganne Boulden captures the world around her in a fun, yet extremely sensitive way. And as all things beautiful, Morganne’s photography is about overcoming darkness. With all of her work made while on road trips across America with close friends and chosen family, these photos are about celebrating how our will to live can prevail – under all circumstances and against all odds.


Love Has No Label

Container Love’s very own award-winning series of films, deconstructing stereotypes about love and gender through the personal stories of four individuals, proving that labels can not define us.

Photo Andreas Knaub


African Icons

A rare insight into the exceptional art and ideology of a new generation of bold creators leading the continents latest cultural revolution in spite of still facing systematic racism and double standards.

Photo Nana Yaw Oduro


Painted Love

Container Love’s specially curated guide to the next generation of queer painters and visual artist challenging queer issues and further exploring queer identity and the influence it has on contemporary art.

Painting Wojciech Wos



The Container Love series of curated interviews and editorials dedicated to the mystery of love, and the lack of it.

Photo Asger Carlsen



Photographers and visual artists on the uncharted territory of narcissism, deconstructing myths and proving how unconditional self-love can make and break us at the same time.

Photo Leo Maki


Safe Space

A curated selection of editorials dedicated to the concept of safe space, explaining how an idea originated in the LGBTQ+ community has brought people of all genders, ethnic groups and religions together in fighting for their rights.

Photo Jacopo Paglione


Chosen Family

We all are keen to find the people who understand us, members of our family of choice. Showing what chosen family can mean, our curated photo series, yet another proof that real bonds don’t depend on sharing DNA.

Photo Anne-Sophie Guillet


Summer Of Love

With ocean breeze and open beaches, this editorial brings back memories of ultimate lightness and careless beauty, the images of a perfect summer of love.

Photo Asaf Einy

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