Anne-Sophie Guillet: Gender Roles Are Dead

Artist Anne-Sophie Guillet

Words Tom Czibolya

A picture is more than perfect light and staging. A photograph is a poem, a song, an ode to the person standing before the photographer and sharing a story with him or her or them. It is our challenge to discover this story, to follow the mystery. Why the chin so high? Why this pose? What is the hidden meaning behind those eyes? Genuine portraits provide a whole universe of stories, secrets and feelings. One artist who is capable to open up and share this universe is Anne-Sophie Guillet, a talented photographer from Brussels. With her sensitive and authentic portraits, she questions classic gender roles and shows what it means to make them more fluid, or better: to make gender roles obsolete. By showing us the diversity of human beauty, she invites us to discover the individuals behind the picture. So let us accept her invitation and consider our personal perspective.

Anne-Sophie Guillet shared two stories with us. The first one is a personal project called Together, the second one is an editorial called Chosen Family which she created for the Paris-based fashion collective Gamut. For us, both series complement each other perfectly to form a bigger picture – the picture of dead gender roles.

Pictures from the Together series, Photography Anne-Sophie Guillet, Art Direction Laetitia Tillie, Hair & Make-up Dorothy Vandemaele, Photography Assistant Jonathan Boucquey, Model Emma at Letitgomgmt, ChiJean-Samuel, JuanaEorsia, Brand Gamut

Pictures from the Chosen Family series, Photography Anne-Sophie Guillet, Art Direction Laetitia Tillie, Hair & Make-up Dorothy Vandemaele, Photography Assistant Jonathan Boucquey, Models Gustavo, Lou, Emma at Letitgomgmt, Alex, Ornella, Nahel, Inwë, Brand Gamut