Jari Jones By Malik Dupree: An Iconic Collaboration
Artist Malik Dupree
Words Tom Czibolya
Malik Dupree is known for his works that capture the auras of the people he shoots, sometimes in their most vulnerable moments. Malik’s photography is greatly inspired by artists like Quil Lemons, Tyler Mitchel, Myles Loftin, and Campbell Addy. His pictures are sensible and deep yet without losing their charm and ability to be fun and playful. An absolute treat. Needless, to say, when we first heard about his collaboration with legendary trans activist and model Jari Jones, we instantly knew that whatever comes out of their project together, it will be iconic.
Malik wanted to show Jari to show the world Jari, as the versatile and multifaceted individual that she is: a mother to her chosen family, an activist, a model, a writer, and a producer. With all the hate and violence toward trans people in the US right now, the timing couldn’t be better. Malik’s series of Jari instantly takes us to a happy place full of life and color. It’s the statement the world needs in these times of darkness and injustice.
Model Jari Jones, Styling Isaiah Dorty, Make-up Deja Smith, Hair Christina Rendall, Photo Assistant Cameron, Styling Assistant Mo & Lissa