Stallman Gallery: Nothing Linear

Founders of the Stallman Gallery in Berlin’s Charlottenburg, gallerist Lina Stallman and artist Daniel Spivakov are showing how art can be used as a tool to trigger changes in society. In our new episode of #ContainerTalks, our series starring some of Berlin’s most inspirational characters, Lina and Daniel told us about their take on diversity and the immense need of creating discussion wherever we can. We love the stories of both Lina and Daniel and their positive perspective on life. Support their gallery and stay up to date on their website and Instagram.

Life is not linear at all. And this goes for sexuality, for relationships as well. The sooner you can start embracing diversity rather than feeling like it’s a burden, the more you will enjoy what you are doing.

Lina Stallman, Gallerist


Daniel wears suit by Damur and shoes by Trippen

Lina wears suit by Don Aretino

Lina wears suit by Don Aretino