PNPPL: Sweet Summer Treats

Words Tom Czibolya

It’s the well-thought-through selection of photographers and visual artists that makes PNPLL one of our favorite magazines in the whole wide world. In the middle of Pride and the summer haze, our friends at PNPPL are rolling out their latest, eighth issue. A beautiful collection of contemporary queer talents on over 160 pages, the new magazine features a bouquet of unpublished photo editorials and an interview with Adán Romero and Sebastián Delgado, the artists responsible for PNPPL’s gorgeous new front and back covers.

Printed in 200 copies, the magazine brings us never seen stories by András Vizi, Juan Papagni Meca, Dmytro Komissarenko, Benjamin Edeline, Jaycee Mentoor, Matteo Angele/ Ecal photography, Richard Kranzin, Sam Reiss, Yves De Brabander and Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert. Completed by the artworks of Andersen Woof, Logan T. Sibrel, and Pietro Spirito, the eighth issue of PNPPL is now available.