Frau Tonis Parfum: With Great Attention To Detail

Brand Frau Tonis Parfum

Words Christian Ruess

Frau Tonis Parfum stands for high-quality manufactured perfumes and has been letting fragrances speak for themselves since 2011 – without sex sells campaigns, gender bias or decorative celebrities. 36 niche perfumes from green to floral, citric or oriental open the olfactory memory of their wearers and bring magical memories back to the present. All fragrances are unisex, cruelty free and handcrafted with great attention to detail.

Founder Stefanie Hanssen doesn’t regard perfume as a means to help people find a mate, but as an expression of one’s own personality.

For Frau Tonis, luxury is not a matter of extravagance, but of taking the time to carefully and lovingly select a range of exquisitely crafted perfume. The Berlin boutique offers the ideal setting to discover a line of fragrances in a serene setting. Feel free to wander about and be inspired by their scents. Let Frau Tonis take you on a sensuous journey into the olfactory memory of your past. We had a little chat with Stefanie Hanssen about her brand vision, creativity – and of course about love.

We have heard that sending visions into the universe cannot be wrong. So let’s do it. Whats your vision? What will Frau Tonis Parfum look like in ten years? 

At the moment it is unimaginable for everyone to look so far into the future, but I will do my best: maybe in ten years my son David will take over Frau Tonis – and develop even greater fragrances than we are already doing in 2020. Then I could make my private dream come true: live half the year in Italy; always from September to March.

We love brands and products with a strong message behind them. What’s yours? 

For us perfume is unisex and very emotional. Perfume should never be made for a person in a specific age, neither should the background matter. What matters to us is how a perfume is worn. Confident like No. 21 Berlin or stormy like No. 22 Hamburg. Elegant like No. 19 Oud Weiss – or gentle like No. 25 Bouquin. Perfume is always individual, just like the person who wears it. 

“Perfume should never be made for a person in a specific age, neither should the background matter. What matters to us is how a perfume is worn.”

Tell us your first love story. In 10 words.

He was my first boyfriend’s best friend. Wanted him more…

For us love is diversity — of sexualities, ethnicities, genders, something that smashes the container. So what is love for you? 

Short and sweet: anything goes. 

What would you really like to do? Right now? Instead of answering these little questions… 

Travelling to Italy. For three month – from the north to the south. I miss the taste of Italian bread, the smell of the Adriatic Sea and the sound of lively Italian families – talking about politics, food and love. 

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