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At Container Love, we celebrate Pride 365 days a year by supporting brands, agencies, and productions taking further steps towards diversity and inclusion. We provide solutions with DE&I and queer perspective, delivering content with cultural credibility and data-driven insights.


We specialize in integrating diversity, inclusion, and queer lifestyle into the brands DNA in a genuine way and at the right pace without falling into vague pink-washing strategies. Container Love is the go-to platform for queer culture, creative diversity consulting, and content production.

We focus on diversity and inclusion affairs putting the queer aspects at the centre of the strategic roadmap of brands who wants to overcome old-fashioned stereotypes. Combined with a detailed data and brand DNA analysis, we develop lasting business connections through the creation of holistic strategies that fits your brand and add value to its promotion.

Shauna Summers for Love Brands

Shauna Summers for Love Brands

Real-life storytelling translated into accurate strategies.

We work with authentic insights backed by market research to develop strategies that connect brands heritage and vision to real-life diversity. Embracing an intersectional approach, Container Love provides consulting through original advertising solutions and creative direction.

We create ideas, strategies, and content that connect audiences not only through strong aesthetics but also via emotional responses. We tackle multi-sensorial marketing actions by working with underlying messages that brings substance and empathy into the message. Container Love offers end-to-end solutions with a meaning. 

We do Art and Creative Direction, Market Research, Customer Insights, Workshops, Marketing Strategies, Diversity Consulting.

Cultural Credibility provided through data-driven productions.

We create visual content based on data insights, consumers behavior, and trend research. We put the focus on diversity by analyzing the market and the behavior of its communities using exclusive, trustful, and professional industry sources that allows us to shape strategies that develop cultural credibility.

By using quantitative and qualitative industry studies about diversity, inclusion, and queer culture, we translate the data insights into real-life storytelling enabling brands to have a step forward into the upcoming trends before its competitors.

We do Film and Photo Productions, 360º Brand Campaigns, Sponsorship Marketing, Fashion Films, Editorials, Social Media Content, Lookbooks, Catalogues, Trend Reports and Strategy.

Brand activations and events that create opinions and community value.

We design inviting and welcoming safe-spaces through arts, music, education, open dialogues, and inspiration, to connect your brand with diverse audiences and key players. Container Love excels customized experiences to create brand value through indirect or direct marketing strategies.  

From intimate and exclusive discussion panels for brand awareness to big music festivals with 100.000 visitors. Container Love has a background of immersive experience to connect brands and communities in order to build up new connections or reinforce the old ones. We provide encounters that shape and transform opinions.

In addition, Container Love develop brand activations targeting the potential of the selected strategy. By displaying multiple initiatives around the central topic we are able to take brands even a step forward including in our experience sustainability actions, awareness partnerships, and fundraisers, among others.

We do Immersive Experiences and Events, Influential Networks, Product Development, Space Interventions, PR Events, International Exhibitions.

Rob Tennent for Visible Love

Rob Tennent for Visible Love

We glue great people together via Matchmaking and meaningful collaborations.

We assemble the right factors to create a solid marketing proposal. Container Love curates projects by finding the correct market insights to develop the right product with the most suitable people to execute your brand vision and create meaningful impact.

Collaborations and authentic associations are the key for community-building and multi-sensorial marketing strategies that leads to positive emotional responses. Container Love support brands by providing services through connections, communication, and community.

We define collaborations, business partnerships, and creative teams by sharing a vision and a purpose. The future lies in powerful and inspiring networks to work together upon shared goals.  The future is queer and at Container Love we stand right behind it.

We do Artist and Brands Collaborations, Matchmaking, Integrated Campaigns, Brand Strategy, Targeted Activations.

Andreas Knaub for Love Has No Label

Andreas Knaub for Love Has No Label

“Listening equals education, education means less fear and no fear means freedom. It doesn’t matter if you are queer or not, freedom is what we all need. You can be whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, your gender, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality or religion doesn’t matter as long as you have a heart.”

Christian Ruess, Creative Director and Founder of Container Love


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