Anderson Zomer: Man Is Nature

Artist Anderson Zomer

Words Christian Ruess

We found photographer Anderson Zomer in the vastness of Instagram and wanted to know more about him, because we deeply fell in love with his current project. So welcome to the world of Container Love, Anderson.

“Beauty is the harmony between your inside and your outside life.”

Tell us something about you. Where do you live?

I am Anderson Zomer and I’m living in Cocal do Sul, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. I’m 28 years old, Publicity and Advertising student and a photography enthusiast. I love what I do and this makes a part of my lifestyle.

Do you remember your first pictures? We are curious.

When I was ten years old, I had a little, improvised photo studio in the living room to photograph my mother. I remember I was still using an analog camera and had to send the film to get it developed. The process was time consuming and made me anxious, but when the photos arrived, they inspired me to look for new techniques and improve my photography.

What does beauty mean to you?

Beauty is the harmony between your inside and your outside life.

Container Love’s mission is to highlight the beauty in diversity, to change points of view, and to stand up for more tolerance with the help of pictures and basses. Your works are dealing a lot with nudity and nature – is there any hidden message behind all this?

Starting from my concept of beauty, I believe that man and nature must be in constant harmony. Man is nature. If nature is free, man is too. So we focus on photos in outdoor places using natural light. The guys are being photographed in a way that they feel comfortable, free, in order to reach their naturalness, their true feelings.

Tell us something about your project Natus? What does it mean and what’s the meaning behind?

Natus is a new project of masculine photographs that were realized in a poetic way. We want to present the contemporary young free from prejudices, the false limitations of masculinity, the taboos of society. This project seeks to make the connection between man and his own nature. The nudity in the photos is related to the essence of our soul, this incessant quest to free ourselves from our prejudices and to be closer to our inner self, to what we really are.

Natus has this meaning of bare nature. Man is nature. Nature is free, so man is. Natus – the simplest form of being. Spontaneous, pure and real. A direct relationship with the true self.

How can we support your project?

The project has a campaign on a crowdfunding site and is open for submissions until September 15, 2017. In return, as a reward the supporter will receive an uncensored, 112 page magazine with these pictures made for the magazine. Shipping is free for all.

Nudity and pictures of sexuality is a double-edged sword. Have you ever experienced that your audience completely misunderstood your intentions – and what did this do to your way of taking pictures?

Treating the topic nudity is complex, especially when nudity is masculine. The expectation was that the public would deny accepting, but what actually happened was a great public acceptance. I believe that the acceptance is due to a lightness captured in the images. People comment on the pictures or send a message praising the work and asking to be photographed in an upcoming edition.

What are upcoming projects that you are currently working on?

I want to continue with the Natus project, to make new editions. Other works already done are on my website

Thank you for your time, Anderson. We wish you all the best and good luck with your wonderful project.

Check out Natus N°1 & Natus N°2 on Container Love’ Editorial.