Love Think Tank

Artist Various

Words Christian Ruess

So we had important questions – what is love? How do people want to experience an exhibition? What are they looking for when going out at night? – and after not getting far in our closed circle of three we decided to invite a group of amazing individuals. Some friends who are busy in the art and culture scene or industry. Some people we had worked with before in creative advertising. And some whose work and personality had made such an impact on us we just had to ask them along. Surprisingly enough, everyone came. (Except the unlucky guy with the root canal that morning. Get well soon!) Host Christian Ruess and co-hostess Natalie Richter initiated an open discussion the likes of a brainstorming: no idea is strange enough to be not given a good thought. So, we kid you not, one of our main enlightenments was: „Your granny is gay!“. Apart from that, we developed some really great ideas for how exhibitions have to change in order to be tender and intrusive at the same time, immersive and safe. If you notice some changes in the forthcoming Container Loves, this might be the impact Think Tank #1 has made…

Our beloved guests and hosts are:

Aminata Belli, Fashion Journalist & YouTube „Influencer“ Homie & edgy Shape Shifter, thinks number of followers irrelevant re: social media currency.

Ava Carstens, Fashion Director & Consultant and Co-Founder at kollektiv49 & Miss Elegance, always listens intently and only talks intentionally.

Björn Beneditz, Artist, Consultant and Performer at Deichkind & artistically queer, comes from the world of arts & fuses brands with music.

Christian Ruess, Creative Director and Founder of Container Love & Misterine Everywhere. Container Love is his Love Child. He spreads the love in every creative output.

Deniz Huryilmaz, Business Development Manager at University World and one of NYC’s top scale fundraisers for hate crime victims, queer activist.

Jessica Fuchs, Consultant at Markenpersonal/Karlanders & fuses academic brainiage and prosaic moneymaking in the world of brands and creatives.

Luise Ganser, Brand Manager at Warner Music Germany & this Think Tank’s Benjamin but oh so street smart and has seen more of the world than me and you combined.

Natalie Richter, Freelance Planner/Strategist and Founder of Leev & terrorists of beauty. Sweet on the outside, steel on the inside, super smart and super socially active.

Patrick Meissner, Creative Concept & Production at Studio Christian Ruess, Project/Account Manager at Grey. Speed of Light? He’s faster! And has a heart of gold.

Ralph Tharayil, Writer of prose, poems and stories for audio dramas. .

Special thanks to our friends of Weinladen St. Pauli for the fantastic wine selection and the most large intelligent table.

Photos © Vierfotografen