Nikk Martin: The Sky Over Your Shoulders

Artist Nikk Martin

Talent Blazey

Words Tom Czibolya

Musician and queer icon Blazey is a force of nature, something that shines through his pictures taken by wickedly talented photographer Nikk Martin. Shot for Container Love’s Visibility Issue, the series is an invitation for us all: being surrounded by nature offers a chance to let go and be vulnerable. A pivotal moment toward self-acceptance, learning to embrace one’s uniqueness and celebrate the mosaic of qualities that make us who we are. The pictures Nikk took of Blazey stand as an open invitation, to find our way back to nature and ourselves in it.

Photography Nikk Martin, Talent Blazey, Styling Alexandra Klar, Hair & Make-Up Guerdy Casimir, Production Assistant Arda Cetinel, Special Thanks To Bigoudi, Reichert + Communications, Cedoublé

A pivotal moment toward self-acceptance, learning to embrace one’s uniqueness and celebrate the mosaic of qualities that make us who we are.

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