Kostis Fokas: Red Hot Shores

Artist Kostis Fokas

Words Tom Czibolya

“This is a real short story. Christos and Ben just met in Athens, and we went to the beach together on the same day. We laughed and they kissed, and I took photos” – a long-time member of the Container Love family, Kostis Fokas’ series really does make our first printed issue feel even more special. As always, there is a certain playfulness to Kostis’ work that combines with the blazing, golden Greek sunshine and elevates these images to the next level. The series is also an essential part of our Visible Love exhibition celebrating Container Love’s 10 years anniversary: a decade dedicated to diversity and love.

Photography Kostis Fokas, Talents Christos Tzoavaras & Benjamin Kjo

“Love is the foundation of everything. The meaning of our own existence.”

Kostis Fokas, Artist

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